Course Status


All green fees booked at the Club by an individual shall be subject to the following policy:


i. Payment is made via our booking portal, see terms of use at


  1. Cancellations made 24 hours or more prior to the first tee time:
  2. Complete Cancellation – Call club to re-arrange date or refund deposit to
    credit card.
  3. Cancellation of a player(s) – Call club to refund player deposit on credit
  4. Amending the date or time of a booking – Call club to confirm rate. The
    new date & time booked will be subject to the rate available on the new
    date and the deposit will be offset against that rate.
  5. Cancellations or amendments made within 24 hours of the first tee time will forfeit their deposit.
  6. Non-arriving players will be treated as a cancellation and will be subject to a
    cancellation charge as detailed in 3 (ii).
  7. Cancellation or alterations can be made by emailing, calling or in person at The Club.


  1. When the course is open and the weather conditions questionable;
  2. If a golfer(s) chooses to play a 9-hole or 18-hole round of golf, then the
    weather worsens and the golfer(s) decides not to continue, no refund will be
  3. If the golfer(s) chooses to play a 9-hole or 18-hole round of golf, and in the
    event of any unforeseen circumstances the golfer(s) decides not to continue,
    no refund will be given.
  4. If the golfer(s) chooses to play an 18 hole round, if the golfer(s) come off the
    course during the back 9 holes no refund will be given.


  1. When the course is closed, no person may play on the course and all bookings are cancelled. It is then up to the individual(s) concerned to re-book their tee time(s) by emailing, calling or in person at The Club within 24 hours from their original tee off time.


  1. We politely request all golfers to repair their pitch marks and rake bunkers.
  2. Where a dress code is in operation, the details of the dress code will be displayed on the club website and/or in the club house. All players must abide by the dress code in operation. Players failing to adhere to the dress code will be asked to withdraw from the course or club house until appropriately attired. No refunds will be given for failure to adhere to the dress code.
  3. Mobile phones should be switched to silent whilst on the course.
  4. Golf etiquette should be adhered to at all times on and off the course. Players will be advised if they are not adhering to reasonable behaviour. Continued failure to adhere to reasonable behaviour may result in players being asked by to withdraw from the course or club house. No refunds will be given for failure to adhere to reasonable standards of behaviour. The general manager and their representatives (including but not limited to course marshals and golf professional staff) will be the sole arbiter in any decision on behaviour within the demise of the club.


  1. Tee times are only bookable 21 days in advance for members and 14 days in advance for non-members.
  2. Concession rates including senior and junior rates are only available to be booked by email, phone or in person. A valid ID must be provided on arrival.
  3. Buggies may not be driven by anyone under the age of 18 years.
  4. Players must be competent for the course they are playing (including both safety
    and pace of play). Failure to demonstrate suitable competency whilst on the course may result in a player being asked to pick up or with draw from the course.
  5. Twilight tee times are offered at a reduced rate due to the fact that a limited
    amount of time is available to play a round before the light deteriorates. As such, it is possible that you may not complete all 18 holes during your round, and the later the tee time, the fewer holes you will be able to play.
  6. Routine course maintenance takes place throughout the year on both courses. Due to unforeseen climatic changes we are unable to confirm when these works will be taking place and will advise you of any works on arrival.


  1. To ensure that there is a consistent speed of play The Club reserves the right to pair up golfers as required. There is a minimum of a two ball playing policy.


  1. All players must check-in at the Pro Shop 30 minutes before their tee time and collect one validated scorecard per player. Failure to adhere to this may result in the cancellation of your tee time with no refund offered. Players without a validated scorecard may be asked to leave the course by the Course Warden


Terms and Conditions

These membership Terms and Conditions apply to all Members and are between you and Stellar Paultons GP Ltd trading as Paultons Golf Centre.  These Membership Terms and Conditions, along with your Membership Agreement, form your overall Contract with us.  The Company reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and amendments will be posted on the website: a minimum of 14 days in advance of any change.

1. Definitions

1.1 Contract: Your membership Agreement and these Membership Terms and Conditions (copies of which are available on the website: together form the entire agreement between you and the company.

1.2 Initial Term: Means the minimum Initial Commitment Period stated in the Agreement.  The Initial Commitment Period commences on the first day of the contract to the contract end date.  Members joining in advance of the first day of any month will be subject to a pro-rated payment (based on the annual contract value of the Membership Agreement) from the date of joining to the end of that month.  The Initial Term may be extended in accordance with these Contract Terms and Conditions.

1.3 Code of Conduct: The standards of behaviour required for use of the facilities, as varied from time to time and available on the Paultons Golf Centre website at

1.4 Commitment Period: Means the Initial Term or in the case of automatically renewed memberships, a twelve month period commencing on the expiry of the previous Contract Period.

1.5 List of Tariffs: The subscription rates and fees applicable at the Home Club as varied from time to time.

1.6 Member: The person or persons noted on the Membership Agreement.

1.7 Membership Agreement: The Agreement setting out the membership type, associated subscriptions, contract terms, fees and payment type, and for renewing members on this contract, issued no less than 30 days in advance of the current term.

1.8 Membership Subscriptions: The charges payable for the category of membership as set out in the Membership Agreement.

1.9 Membership Support Team: The Club General Manager and management team.

1.10 Renewal date: The date immediately after the expiry of the previous Contract Period.

1.11 Services: Use of the Company’s course and facilities.

1.12 Term date: The expiry date of your current contract.

1.13 We/Us/Our/the Company: Stellar Paultons GP Ltd trading as Paultons Golf Centre.

1.14 You/Your/the Member: The named person entering into this Contract with the Company.

2. Member Agreements/Contracts

2.1 Members must pay a subscription fee for each contract term, your contract and your membership will commence as set out below:

2.1.1 Each contract is for a minimum 12 month period unless otherwise set out in the Membership Agreement.

2.1.2 The Membership Agreement automatically renews for a 12 month term at the end of each contract term, subject to clause 3 (Fees and Payments) of these Terms and Conditions, or unless cancelled, as per section 4, or extended in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.  If required, members can access the latest Terms and Conditions on our website at

2.2 Acceptance for membership is at the sole discretion of the Company.

2.3 The Company reserves the right to vary the amount of subscription fees in its List of Tariffs at any time, renewing members will be given no less than 30 days’ notice of any changes.

2.4 Charges for certain facilities, the use of which are not included in the subscription fee, are displayed at the premises, and we reserve the right to vary the charges without notice.

2.5 The acceptance by the Company of a Membership Agreement shall constitute a legally binding agreement between the member and the Company.  The member hereby agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions along with any regulations of the golf course which are in force from time to time.

2.6 Membership cards are issued to all current members and must be shown at the Club to gain entry on each visit made to the golf course(s).  Membership cards are personal to you, you must not share, sell, lend or otherwise allow any other person to use your membership card and any fraudulent use by the member will result in cancellation of that membership with no refund being made by the Company. For monthly payers an invoice for the remainder of your contractual period will be issued, with payment due on demand.

2.7 The Company reserves the right to verify, or require proof of information provided by the member to ensure eligibility for the applicable membership category.

2.8 Members must inform the Club in writing of any change of details (including address, telephone number and e-mail), in accordance with clause 4.5 in order that the Company can reasonably perform its obligations under the terms of this agreement.

2.9 The member agrees to the assignment of the Contract without notice and at the Company’s sole discretion, save that there be no material change in the Contract Terms and Conditions.

2.10 A member may not alter their membership category within the Contract term, unless appropriate fees are paid.  No category downgrades are permitted within the Contract term.

2.11 Linked members must live at the same address as the linked member (two proofs of address may be required).  The lead member is responsible for all linked membership fees.  If a lead member ceases to be a member and the linked member wishes to retain their membership, the linked member must become an individual member at the subscription level applicable.

3. Fees and Payments

3.1 All membership categories will run for a period of not less that twelve months and fees will be charged as stipulated in the Membership Agreement, or as updated in contract renewal information issued before the end of the current contract term.

3.1.1 Membership subscription fees are applicable for the entirety of this Agreement, irrespective of member utilisation of the golf course facilities and are non-refundable.

3.1.2 Membership fees are specific to the membership category, and set out in the Membership Agreement and membership renewal notice.  Certain membership categories benefit from a discount if paid annually in advance.  The discounted amount will be stipulated in the Membership Agreement and discount is not in addition to the Agreement.

3.2 The Company accepts membership contract payments by Monthly Installment as a single Advanced Annual Monthly Installment payment.

3.2.1 Single Advanced Annual Monthly Installment payments are collected on or around the 5th day of renewal month in accordance with the Membership Agreement.

3.2.2 Monthly Installment payments will continue to be taken through each contract term, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out in this Agreement, ceasing only on termination of the contract, as set out in clause 4.

3.2.3 The initial contract term, or contract term, is set out in the Membership Agreement and automatically renews for a 12 month term at the end of the current contract period subject to clauses 4 and 5 of this contract.

3.2.4 In the event the Company is unable to collect the Monthly Installment fee on the due date, the membership will be suspended and the member must immediately pay for the outstanding balance by contacting the Club directly.

3.2.5 Should payment not be received and any further Monthly Installment payment is unable to be collected, the Company reserves the right to issue an invoice for all outstanding contracted months, which the member agrees to settle within 15 days of issue.

3.2.6 A £10 administration fees is applicable for each failed Monthly Installment transaction.

3.2.7 The Company reserves the right to use a debt collection agency to collect debt outstanding for more than 30 days.  The member agrees to cover the company for all debt collection agency costs associated with the recovery of their outstanding debt.

3.2.8 Suspension or termination of the membership by the Company does not remove the member’s liability for any breach, or antecedent breach of this Agreement.

3.3 The Company reserves the right to increase membership fees annually at the Company’s sole discretion.  No price increase will take place prior to the expiry of the current contract terms.

3.4 All golf club members are required to be registered with their County and England Golf Union.  These fees are published annually by the County and will be applied to your first contract payment of each contract term, or the annual renewal payment.  They are passed across to the governing bodies in full (subject to VAT) and are non-refundable.

4. Cancellation or Suspension by you

4.1 The Membership Agreement automatically renews for a 12 month term at the end of each contract, subject to clause 3 (Fees and Payments) of the Terms and Conditions, or unless cancelled by the Member in accordance with clause 4.2 giving not less than 3 months’ notice.

4.1.1 A member may apply to suspend membership due to serious ill health, upon production of a doctor’s letter stating that the member is unfit to play golf/use the facilities.  Suspension is at the sole discretion of the General Manager, is for a minimum of three months and will only be granted to fully paid up members through to the end of the current Contract term.

4.1.2 Hardship: If  a member is affected by an otherwise unforeseen extenuating circumstance, the Company may at its absolute discretion, consider a request to cancel a Membership Contract.  All requests must be made in writing to the Club General Manager and will be dealt with on an individual bases and on the condition that membership subscriptions are paid in full up to the date the request for termination or suspension has been granted in writing by the General Manager.

4.1.3 Your obligations under this Contract terminate upon death.  The balance of any advanced payments will be refunded.

4.2 In all circumstances, no notice, or changes will be deemed as being served by the member, unless delivered by recorded delivery, timestamped email, or acknowledged in writing by the Club General Manager in accordance with the required notice period as applicable.

5. Cancellation by the Company

5.1 The Company reserves the right to cancel or suspend membership at any time and without notice in the following circumstances:

5.1.1 If the member commits a serious or repeated breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Membership Agreement or Code of Conduct.

5.1.2 If any part of a membership fee due by the member is not paid (by way of cleared funds) on or before its due date.

5.1.3 If the member provides the Company with details, which the member knows to be false, when applying for membership and the false declaration would have reasonably affected our decision to grant specific membership to that member.

5.1.4 Should the member threaten or abuse employees, members or guests, or should the member maliciously damage property or commit any illegal act at Paultons Golf Centre, or which might reasonably in the opinion of the Club General Manager affect the reputation of the Golf Centre.

6. Health and Wellbeing

6.1 Members must seek medical advice as necessary to ensure that intended exercise/use will not adversely affect that member’s health and physical condition.

6.2 Each member accepts membership is on the condition that it is the member’s responsibility to obtain proper medical advice at all times with regards to any exercise intended to be carried out on the premises.  The member undertakes to keep the Company and its employees free and harmless from liability which arises as a result of breach of this Condition.

6.3 Photography and Video:

6.3.1 You cannot take photographs or video recordings in restricted areas including changing rooms and toilets.

6.3.2 You must not take photos or videos of any children under the age of 18 other than your own.

6.3.3 You must respect the rights of other adult members when taking photos or video recordings in other areas of the Club or course.  You will be requested to delete them if challenged.

6.3.4 The Company reserves the right to use any individual or group photographs or movie shots of you for press or promotional purposes.

6.3.5 Whilst on the Golf Centre premises any damage caused by you is at your own risk

6.3.6 Buggy Hire and Rental Equipment – all hire equipment, including but not exhaustively, golf buggies, hire trolleys, rental clubs are hired and used at your own risk. Any damage to this equipment must be reported immediately and you accept responsibility at your own cost to repair the damaged equipment. All costs will be fair and reasonable, and quotes will be passed on to you prior to repairing.

6.3.7 EGU insurance covers your liability (

7. Golf Course Facilities

7.1 Certain categories of membership do not include all of the golf courses services and/or club facilities.  Services and facilities not included may be available at an additional charge.

7.2 The Company reserves the right to make reasonable alterations to the type of facilities provided without notice and the Company shall not be liable for any inconvenience caused by building or maintenance work carried out.

7.3 Opening Times:

7.3.1 Open and closing times of the Club and its facilities vary throughout the year, and are published at the Club.

7.3.2 Hours may be lengthened or shortened with or without prior notice being given at the discretion of the site management team.

7.4 Playing Rights and Benefits: Members are entitled to advance booking rights, subject to booking conditions and availability at the Club.

7.5 A full list of member benefits as varied from time to time are available on the website at

7.7 The Company reserves the right to set aside facilities exclusively, with notice, for exhibitions, conferences or other social events and activities.

8. Health and Safety

The Company will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a safe environment for members and guests of the Club.  As part of Membership, members are expected to abide by notices, signs and information provided for their safety and the safety of others.

9. Limitation of Liability

9.1 The member acknowledges that the Company’s obligations and liabilities are exhaustively defined in this agreement.

9.2 Nothing in your Contract shall limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, or the negligence of our employees, agents or third party contractors.

9.3 The member is responsible for the consequences of any use of the Company facilities, including, but not limited to the golf course(s).

The Company will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses, theft or damage to property, whether arising under contract (including negligence) or otherwise.

9.4 The Company reserves the right to require any member to make good any damage or destruction of the premises or golf course caused by the member’s negligence, default or wrongful act.

9.5 The Company’s liability to compensate (in the case of loss or damage other than death or personal injury) is limited to a reasonable amount, having regard to such factors as to whether the damage was due to a negligent act or omission by the Company.  The members and the member’s guests are otherwise responsible for their personal possessions, equipment and vehicles (and their contents) parked on the Company’s premises, and are advised not to bring valuable possessions onto the premises.

10. Data Protection and Privacy Policy

The Company takes the privacy of members seriously.  For further details on the information we collect from you and how we use and store this information, please refer to our Privacy Policy available on the website at

11. Credits

11.1 Credits may be purchased in denominations published in advance by the Club.  Credits are non-refundable and their cost may alter without written notification although every effort will be made to inform members of changes in advance.

11.1.1 Credits cannot be used should the membership period have lapsed.

11.1.2 Annual credits and Top Up credits expire after 1 year.  All credits expire if membership is not renewed.

11.1.3 Credits are non-transferrable.

11.1.4 Credits have no redeemable value.

11.1.5 Credits may not be used to hire buggies.

11.1.6 Credits cannot be used to pay for guests, food and beverage items, retail products or any other product.

11.1.7 Your balance of credits is available at the Club Pro Shop or by phoning the Club Pro Shop (you will be required to present your membership card in person or confirm your email address and date of birth if phoning).

12. Advance Bookings

12.1 Tee bookings may be made in person, by phone or online within 14 days of the tee time requested.

12.2 Tee bookings may be cancelled up to one day before the tee time after which the booking and associated “credits” will be deducted.

12.3 Tee bookings made in advance hold “credits” as a balance against the future booking – if insufficient “credits” are available for a further booking the prevailing full visitor green fee will then be requested.

12.4 If a future Tee booking is cancelled any “credits” held against the tee booking are released and become available again.

13: Data Sharing information

13.1 We work with a number of external suppliers who support our business. This includes organisations, including properties belonging to Stellar Asset Management, which are critical to fulfilling customer orders, as well as those that help us with marketing.

13.2 Notwithstanding this, we assure you that we will only share your data with another organisation where:

13.2.1 We have your express permission to do so; or

13.2.2 It is necessary in order to honour a contract between you and the Golf Centre; or

13.2.3 We have a legal obligation to share the information; or

13.2.4 It is in the public interest; or

13.2.5 It is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or

13.2.6 It is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or another person; or

13.2.7 Where a service is provided through a third party (e.g.) guest Wi-Fi access.

13.3 We will never sell your personal data to any external organisation.

14: Covid-19

14.1 All persons visiting Paultons Golf Centre shall adhere to and comply with the Covid-19 restrictions, guidelines and policies in force on the day.


All green fees and golf days booked at Paultons Golf Centre by an individual or company shall be subject to the following policy:


  • All green fee bookings must be paid in full at time of booking. This also includes member guest bookings.
  • Any bookings that exceed 8 players are deemed a golf day/corporate day and therefore a non-refundable deposit of £100 must be paid within 7 working days of booking to guarantee the tee times.
  • If no deposit is received within 7 working days, the management will cancel the tee times and treat the booking as provisional only.
  • Golf days/Corporate Days will require payment in full 7 working days prior to the event, at which point numbers should also be confirmed.


Casual Green Fees or groups 8 or less, cancellations or amendments made 48 hours or more prior to the first tee time.

  • Full Cancellation – contact Paultons Golf Centre to rearrange date or request a refund.
  • Cancellation of a player(s) – contact Paultons Golf Centre to arrange a player refund.
  • Amending the date or time of a booking – the new date & time booked will be subject to the rate available on the new date and the initial payment can be used towards the balance.

Casual Green Fees or groups 8 or less, cancellations or amendments with less than 48 hours of the first tee time

  • Full Cancellation – will forfeit 50% of the full booking amount.
  • Cancellations of a player(s) – will forfeit 50% of the fee paid for the player(s) cancelling
  • Amending the date or time of a booking – subject to availability and possible price increase.
  • No show on the day of booking will forfeit 100% of the fee paid.

Golf/Corporate days (groups larger than 8), cancellations or amendments made 5 working days or more prior to the first tee time.

  • Full Cancellation – contact Paultons Golf Centre to rearrange date or cancel. The £100 deposit will be forfeited.
  • Cancellation of a player(s) – contact Paultons Golf Centre to advise
  • Amending the date or time of a booking – the new date & time booked will be subject to the rate available on the new date and the deposit paid can be transferred to the new date.

Golf/Corporate days (groups larger than 8), cancellations or amendments made less than 5 working days prior to the first tee time.

  • Full Cancellation – will forfeit 75% of the full booking amount.
  • Cancellations of a player(s) – will forfeit 75% of the fee paid for the player(s) cancelling
  • Amending the date or time of a booking – subject to availability and possible price increase.
  • No show on the day of booking will forfeit 100% of the fee paid.


  • If a golfer(s) chooses to play a 9-hole or 18-hole round of golf, then the weather worsens and the golfer(s) decides not to continue, no refund will be given.
  • If the golfer(s) chooses to play a 9-hole or 18-hole round of golf, and in the event of any unforeseen circumstances the golfer(s) decides not to continue, no refund will be given.
  • If your round is disrupted due to thunderstorms the club will temporarily suspend play until safe to resume. No refund will be given in these circumstances.
  • If during your round the course becomes unplayable through severe weather, as deemed by the management you will be entitled to:
    • 50% voucher off your next visit if you have completed 9 holes or more
    • 100% voucher off your next visit if you have not completed 9 holes.
    • For those with Golf days/Corporate days (groups over 8 players) the above will apply for the golf element of the fee paid, food cost will be charged in full.


  • Casual green fees or groups up to 8 players, if the course is closed on your day of play (as deemed by the management), no person may play on the course and all bookings are cancelled. It is the responsibility of Paultons Golf Centre to make arrangements for re-booking the tee time with the customer. If there is no availability on the preferred day, then it is at the discretion of the Club Management to offer a refund.
  • Golf Days/Corporate Days (groups over 8 players), if the course is closed on your day of play (as deemed by the management), no person may play on the course and all bookings are cancelled. It is the responsibility of Paultons Golf Centre to make arrangements for re-booking the tee time with the group. The deposit will be transferred to the new date.


  • Tee times are only bookable 21 days in advance for members or 14 days for non-members (unless booking a group of over 8 players)
  • Where concession rates are applicable including senior and junior’s a valid ID may be asked for upon arrival.
  • Buggies may not be driven by anyone under the age of 18 years.
  • Players must respect the course they are playing and respect fellow users and staff of the Golf Centre. Failure to demonstrate suitable respect whilst visiting the Paultons Golf Centre, may result in a player being asked to leave the Golf Centre. No refund will be given.
  • Twilight tee times are offered at a reduced rate since a limited amount of time is available to play a round before the light deteriorates. As such, it is possible that you may not complete all 18 holes during your round, and the later the tee time, the fewer holes you will be able to play.
  • Routine course maintenance takes place throughout the year. Due to unforeseen climatic changes, we are unable to confirm when these works will be taking place. No refund will be given due to course maintenance activities; however, the management will endeavour where possible to inform the customer prior to play.


  • To ensure that there is a consistent speed of play The Club reserves the right to pair up golfers as required. There is a minimum of a two-ball playing policy.


  • All players must check in at the Pro Shop 30 minutes prior to their tee time.


All persons visiting Paultons Golf Centre shall adhere to and comply with the Covid-19 restrictions, guidelines and policies in force on the day.

Paultons Golf Club

Course Infomation

18 Hole: OPEN

Trolleys: On

Golf Buggies: On

Winter Rules: In Play

Bunkers: GUR

Polite Reminder from the Greenkeeping Team: Please keep to the traffic control area, no buggies or trolleys inside the post and rope areas and please keep away from the tees, aprons or fringes to protect the golf course and please repair pitch marks.

Safety reminder: Please take care on the slippery parts of the course (slopes and steps)

Many thanks,

Paultons Golf Team

Trackman Driving Range ⛳️

Open 11am – 9pm Mon-Fri

9am – 9pm Sat-Sun


Academy Par 3 Course - CLOSED⛳️

Plans to build a new 9 holes ongoing so currently under maintenance conditions.

Clubhouse Opening Hours


Last Updated — 08:00, 16th February 2025

Book Golf